Danversport Yacht Club


Thursday, December 30, 2010

December Events

What a wonderful holiday season this has been! The month of December has been quite busy. Here are some photos of Danversport during this special time of year.

Many groups and organizations celebrated their holiday gatherings with us. Here is a video of the Beverly High School band playing for the Beverly Rotary during one of their weekly luncheons.

We celebrated our 40th Anniversary this year. We wish to extend a very warm thank you to all of our wonderful guests who made these past 40 years possible. We had over 400 people come to celebrate with us at our anniversary party.

Also this month, we had our teddy bear fundraiser for Boston's Children's Hospital and local charities. Over 125 teddy bears were donated to the kids. We had a celebratory party for our teddy bear send off. Delicious foods and wines were served. Our favorite DJ Bethany Vaughn donated her services for this great occasion. A big thank you, to Lori Batchelder, one of our dining room managers who organizes this yearly event.

Many guests also took part in our holiday gift card promotion. Through the first week in December when you purchased a gift card, a complimentary gift voucher was issued.

Certainly last but not least, tomorrow in New Years Eve! We are expecting over 800 people to join us to ring in the new year!

Here is to a healthy and prosperous 2011 to ALL!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Teddy Bears

Again, we have partnered with Boston Children's Hospital and other local charitable organizations. We are collecting generous $25.00 donations from our wonderful guests. This $25.00 donation is being used to purchase teddy bears. All extra proceeds are being used to purchase toys for the children in need during this holiday season. This is our 2nd year with our teddy bear drive. We have already sold over 95 bears and still counting! Thank you Happy Holidays!