Danversport Yacht Club


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Time has Arrived!

This morning as I was driving down the driveway. I stopped the car just to look at these beautiful flowering trees. I am no expert on trees, but I was told today that these trees are ornamental pear trees. Wouldn't it be a beautiful sight if they could stayed flowering for a long period of time?

Here is a picture I'm proud of! (pat myself on the back) The tulips are up and flowering. The "twisted birch" tree is beautiful. This is on the left side of the building. There is the trellace that leads to the tent area.

The fresh bark mulch has been put down and the flowering bushes are a welcome sign of spring.

The is the set of stairs that lead into the main foyer. Both sides of the stairs are lined with built in brick planter boxes that are stuffed with flowers. A welcome sight.

The flowering trees are just such an attention getter. With all of the March rains the lawns are certainly lush. Pretty soon all of the drought warning signs will be up in full force. :)

Here is the Danversport version of "Nantucket's Daffodil Festival ".

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